A Profile on Rainer Mahlamäki - By Inna Rogatchi

Jewish history, the thought behind memorial architecture and the works of Lahdelma & Mahlamäki Architects.

Rainer Mahlamäki has been profiled by (amongst many other things) writer and artist Inna Rogatchi, whose foundation has also awarded him with their Humanist of the Year 2017 prize.

Rainer is the only Finn and only architect, out of 36, to be featured in Inna Rogatchi’s exhibition, ‘Shining Souls. Champions of Humanity’ which will be displayed at the Library of the Finnish Parliament in January 2018. During the exhibition Rainer will be given the award, only one of four recipients this year, one part of which is a unique piece of art produced specifically for him.

To read the profile, visit The Rogatchi Foundation website here.

Requiem Sketch By Rainer Mahlamaki