Tapiola Urn Cemetery

In 1997 the entry 'Ajan jakso' ('a period of time') won the first in a domestic invited competition for the urn cemetery of the Tapiola Church Yard in Espoo. Although the idea of a cemetery solely for urns is a novel concept in Finland, the basic idea of the plan was to respect the Finnish traditions of burial.

The design of the church of Tapiola (Aarno Ruusuvuori, 1965) is ruled by simplicity and plainness. Together the church and the urn cemetery complete the religious cultural landscape of Tapiola. The area provides peace and privacy for the cemetery.

Tapiolan Uurnalehto 06
Tapiolan Uurnalehto 05
Tapiolan Uurnalehto 01
Tapiolan Uurnalehto 07

Projektin yksityiskohdat

  • Sijainti: Espoo, Finland
  • Vuosi: 2004
  • Kokonaispinta-ala: 63m2
  • Suunnitelma: Urn Cemetery